What I didn’t: One of the best things about the first Avengers was the banter between the characters. It was funny. It established the mood and moved the plot. The banter in this Avengers was flat, the delivery was clumsy, so the sparkle was gone. Instead we get some almost funny lines and some attempted serious dialogue between black widow and hulk and between hawkeye and his wife which comes across forced and awkward. This film is clearly a part of a major franchise. They expect you to have seen all the marvel movies leading up to it, even Guardians of the Galaxy, which doesn’t even actually connect. All of the characters are back. This is too many. Too too many. I don’t actually care about all the sidekicks from the other movies. At one point Captain America says “If you get killed, walk it off.” I think this is really words these movies live by. Everyone who dies comes back maybe it will have to wait till the next film but, like the terminator, they’ll be back. I have serious concerns about Black Widow’s suit. Nothing says please shoot me like wearing lights to a gunfight. and really if your weapons are a pair of glow sticks how much damage are you really going to be doing? Why would you ever ditch your guns for glow sticks in the first place? Why do all evil armies look about the same? Every time someone on my team creates a super enemy, I ground them for at least a week. They do not get to keep being an evil genius. The X-Men QuickSilver was better, like a lot better. The evil robots look remarkably like the evil aliens from last time. Did they repurpose unused film? Also, when evacuating a flying city, there are several things that one should consider. 1) breathable air 2) effects of acceleration 3) possible effects of debris cloud.
Who should watch this: Anyone who liked the other Marvel super hero movies. But make sure you’ve seen all of them or you won’t know who everyone is or what an infinity stone is.
Would I watch it again? Yeah, it was fun, but the first one was better.
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