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Showing posts from November, 2014

Big Hero 6 Review

What I liked: The heroes are grad students. What could be better? And it was funny, I laughed quite a bit. The animation was impressive as always with a pixar film and I especially liked the imaginary city of SanFranokyo very cool. The montague scenes were cool and I liked the sound track What I didn’t:Regrettably, this is not a very quotable movie. I doubt I will get much mileage out of it. Also it presents an interesting conflict of interest: If your advisor turns out to be an evil super villain you should probably arrest him, but if you do you will likely never finish your degree. and all your work will be seized as evidence Who should watch this: People who love Pixar, which is everyone. Note: it was darker than some pixar films and dealt with hard topics like loss and revenge. Would I watch it again: Yes * turns out there are two quotable lines that I have used several times since.

Hunger Games 3 Review

What I liked:The makeup and costuming were well done. And as I may have mentioned recently, the only thing better than a good movie, is a movie that inspires a good rant. What I didn’t: If you are going to make an entire 2 hour movie about strategic political maneuvering, at least one person in the movie has to have tactical ability or at minimum a plan. The distinct lack of a good plan was readily apparent. For my own future reference, when starting a revolution, step 1: hire a plan maker so that I do not: 1) construct an 85 story underground bunker accessible only by wet slippery stairs 2) constantly play the opposing side’s propaganda demoralize my own citizens 3) assemble a special forces strike team composed entirely of civilians 4) have a medical staff made up of teenagers 5) disregard my weapons and run directly towards or away from enemy forces 6) come up with a really terrible cheer and fight song. In an unrelated point, we find out that the population of district 12 was...

Howls Moving Castle Review

I have no idea...No answers for you…

Robocop Review

What I liked: The scene going after the mob boss was pretty cool. The warehouse was pitch black, the bad guys had one kind of night vision, robocop had another kind of night vision, and the camera could see in normal color by the muzzle flashes. A cool sequence but not for anyone with epilepsy. The robocop cycle was cool but not as cool as the batcycle. What I didn’t: In the 2 hour movie there were approximately 15 minutes of cool robocop shooting stuff. The rest of the film was a larger than life attempt to examine issues of consciousness, choice, media, security, and privacy. While all of these are important issues it made for a very long boring movie when you are expecting to see explosions. Other important points: Who hired the evil corporation’s publicity crew? Clearly they were not doing their job very well because all of the things that the company was upset about with robocop were the things that would be a hit with the public: pausing to consider before shooting, being a f...