What I liked: This was a fun movie and I laughed more than I thought I would. I liked the Grinch's pants and tie. I liked the ski birds, they really kicked off the movie to a great start. The carolers channeling West Side Story were funny and escalated well. Bobsled commuting should definitely catch on. The Wallace and Gromit inventions were spot on. They made me wonder if maybe Wallace was missing a sibling And I think that Max would get along with Gromit really well. The goat and Fred were also surprisingly funny. It's hard to beat the original music but the updated Mister Grinch song was acceptable. I liked the overly festive neighbor and his odd dog, they made me laugh. I didn't know that the Grinch played the organ but should not have been surprised, most villains do. Doubtless in one of the many Star Wars movies in the works we will be treated to Vader practicing the organ in the heart of a star destroyer. It's too bad more villains don't branch out to inclu...
This "is the worst idea in the long, sad history of terrible ideas" -Jurassic Park II