What I didn’t: For being a jewelry heist there was a disappointingly low amount of repelling and
backflips. Pretty much all of the sneaking involved disguises and not you know jumping fences or parachuting
down elevator shafts. So their plan probably worked better but just think how cool they would have
looked. I think that the body guards could have been employed by the Empire. Did we really have to set
up Danny Ocean not being dead? I’m glad he didn’t crash the heist but he’s a con man, so it really
wouldn’t push it too much to say he faked his death. So the sneaky twist was well executed of course,
you have a pretty good idea that it is coming but they clearly pulled it off with precision. But it
definitely made me wonder about the necessity of the dramatic exit. I was glad they all got fancy outfits
and it was a fun sequence but it did seem unnecessarily risky. Also I would like to have seen how
they all snuck in and got changed with the museum in lock-down. It was a short lock down so we
would have to have 6 women sneak in with formal wear, get changed, do their hair and make-up
and join the party without anyone noticing. Very impressive.
looked. I think that the body guards could have been employed by the Empire. Did we really have to set
up Danny Ocean not being dead? I’m glad he didn’t crash the heist but he’s a con man, so it really
wouldn’t push it too much to say he faked his death. So the sneaky twist was well executed of course,
you have a pretty good idea that it is coming but they clearly pulled it off with precision. But it
definitely made me wonder about the necessity of the dramatic exit. I was glad they all got fancy outfits
and it was a fun sequence but it did seem unnecessarily risky. Also I would like to have seen how
they all snuck in and got changed with the museum in lock-down. It was a short lock down so we
would have to have 6 women sneak in with formal wear, get changed, do their hair and make-up
and join the party without anyone noticing. Very impressive.
Who should watch this? People who like heist movies.
Would I watch it again? Sure.
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