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Spiderman Far From Home

What I liked: The in memoria opening. It was not quite as amazing as the selfie video that opened the previous Spiderman movie but it was fairly phenomenal. The candle shot was particularly nice. I liked that they finally addressed some of the troubling logistics that resulted from Endgame and the basketball game was entertaining. The spidey senses or "Peter tingle" battle was very cool. Nick Fury was far less competent than one might expect. Ah how the mighty have fallen, Nick.  The customs lady didn't even blink, I'm glad she was there to protect Italy from dangerous bananas. The bus driver. I think he used to live in Atlantis and is Aquaman's short relative. He didn't do much but what he did was effective. MJ is pretty much awesome. She is very weird and very awkward and it is great.

What I didn't: I agree with Spiderman, there are lots more people who could be called on to save the world before you get to Spiderman. Remember how we had about 800 heroes at the end of End Game? Sure several of them are unavailable but that still leaves about 795 that could be called. Maybe they just lost all the phone numbers? Did they all lose Nick Fury's phone number too? Because it seems like city destroying phenomena that make international news might draw attention form the hundreds of remaining heroes. That would make a great post credits scene, just Fury checking all his voicemails. I feel like the AI commanding the drones is not great. You would think for a global system there would be more than one user interface. You might also expect more descriptive commands to avoid accidental disaster. Plus the hive mind was not ideal for tactical maneuvers. Don't get me wrong, I would still like it in my normal life. Many of my problems at work would be solved if shouting instructions at the computer actually worked. All of the romances were particularly awkward. They were entertaining, but also fill you with deep and abiding gratitude that high school is increasingly far away. Can we talk about the utility of having your helmet be a fishbowl filled with smoke? That has to reduce visibility. It can't do wonders for breathing either. It just seems like if you could design your own costume you might want something that looked cool or was practical or both. A smokey fish bowl does none of those things. There were some very cool illusion scenes, they were fun to watch, but I question the underlying plan. It is very cool to have a bunch of mirrors swirl around and turn into a pile of Spidermans but how exactly does that bring us any closer to accomplishing our goal? No one knows but it looks really cool. Also if hypothetically one were to attack from above to avoid detection should one not arrive directly at the target rather than somewhere else and then very visibly make one's way horizontally to the target. Of all the shapes that one could have for a parachute, it seems like a spider may not be the one with the best parachute function.

Who should watch this? Pretty much everyone. Unless you didn't like the first Spiderman. Then you are wrong.

Would I watch it again? I'm sure I will.


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