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Godzilla vs Kong

What I liked: There were monsters. The monsters smashed things. Lots of things. The smash building things, and boat things, and airplane things, and tunnel things so we have all areas of the planet covered. The monsters smashed each other. There were bright colorful lights and music. There was no singing to summon a giant moth. So pretty much this is everything you have ever wanted in a monster movie. 

What I didn't: I feel that when developing a giant mechanical monster there are a few things to consider. First, lab placement. I would recommend that R&D for the giant mechanical monster not be located in major cities with large populations like, for example, Hong Kong. This is important for several reasons 1) available realestate. You will need a very large hanger to build a robot the size of, say Godzilla, and your budget will cover much more if you choose somewhere in the middle of nowhere where land prices are much lower. 2) If, each time you test your giant robot monster, you summon other monsters to the area and they start destroying things, you will be liable for much more damages if you are in a developed area. You will also be subject to more scrutiny. 3) control of information leaks. If you are in the middle of nowhere you will have better surveillance of your employees and other people sneaking into your base to investigate. I also recommend that you put all critical functions on surge protected circuits. It would be unfortunate if a sudden surge of energy were to fry electronics, melt brains, or confer sentience on your giant mechanical monster. If your entire plan hinges on obtaining a single critical component, you should probably obtain that component before turning on your mechanical monster and summoning other monsters to your location

Every time a giant monster attacks my city I think I should shoot all of my missiles and bullets at it, even though this has apparently happened many times before and shooting the giant monster has not helped at all any of those times. Every time someone restarts my heart by exploding a helicopter on my chest, I wonder what other options were available and I expect quite a lot of shrapnel damage. Every time I am tricked into jumping into a hole through the center of the earth with a promise that my family is there and instead find flying poisonous boa constrictors, I am rather miffed and would rather terminate my participation in this scheme. Every time I am flown directly from the tropical South Pacific to Antarctica, I am glad to be completely frostbite resistant. Every time I enter a fight I think I would rather get really close and punch things than shoot lightning at them from a mile away. It makes it more challenging and if I were to breath lightning I might accidentally overload critical circuits. 

Who should watch this? People who want to watch monsters fight for about an hour. People not bothered about details determining when and why the monsters fight. 

Would I watch it again? This was a pretty perfect airplane movie, The monsters were fun but I'm sure there will be a new monster movie to watch by the time I'm in the mood for another monster film. 


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