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Dr Strange and the Multiverse of Maddness

What I liked: This movie has all the things that you could hope for from a scary movie: creepy reflections, actual demons, possession, Dr Strange with a ponytail, evil "twins", extra eyeballs, ghosts (I think), Monsters, some light necromancy, jean jackets. It was fun to have a minotaur wizard and a universe made of paint. My favorite part was probably a very epic music battle. Partially because it was so very unexpected. I liked that Dr Strange was able to make a quick exit from an awkward wedding reception to go fight a giant alien octopus. And that all of his approaches to saving the girl were more in line with portal than a comfortable soft landing. Pizza balls look tasty but pretty messy to eat. Having a flying cloak seems super cool, even cooler if you put all the extra arms to better use. It's like having a bunch of cupholders that could also text, find directions, and knit or maybe shoot arrows. The cameos were fun and I was very excited for the less expected ones. I do like that despite going off the deep end there was enough of Wanda left to realize Scarlet Witch's version would be less happy than she had imagined. 

What I didn't: First off since Dr. Strange is an actual doctor, I assume he finished medical school. Did he ever even do a psych rotation? Because I think a lot of this could be fixed if he had done well in that part of medical school. It seems like just about everyone could do with at least some counseling but maybe also some magically administered medications. Also along the lines of medical knowledge, I think they drastically over calculated how much a body would decay in a matter of hours. I am not familiar with what traveling through an inter-dimensional portal does to a corpse but unless there's some time travel involved, I doubt it would be quite so decayed looking. In both this movie and Spiderman Dr Strange is pretty well inconvenienced by stealing his ring. If it is that easy to swipe you would think more bad guys would take advantage of it. Also since he doesn't wear it all the time, does he run around his apartment looking for it like the rest of us look for our keys? Also are all dreams representations of other universes? That seems awfully silly and gets me to my main rant about inception: most dreams are nonsense. I think at this juncture we all need to agree that Scarlet Witch should have done far better against Thanos. Even though she still hadn't come into her full powers she needed to be more of a force to be reckoned with. Every time I'm a powerful wizard and I encounter an endless stair ascending into the sky I think "why would I walk up those stairs when I can fly?" Similarly, when I'm hopping around on free floating rubble that is clogging up outer space for no reason whatsoever I think why not so my magic flying thing instead of hopping precariously. Who even put that rubble there to begin with. I also want to know if we are going to talk about Mr Fantastic's world because I think there might be some problems there now. Yep. They may have been right about Dr. Strange coming being a big threat. People frequently talk about false dichotomy, these people made a lot of monchotomys. Turns out usually there is more than one choice. Saying there is only one option seems a bit over dramatic. If Scarlet Witch can summon her monsters to bring her the girl's powers from any part of the multiverse how do they travel across the multiverse. If she just conjures them in the adjoining universe how do they get back? If she conjures them here how do they get there? Why doesn't she just go that way too? It's not like you wouldn't fit through the door for the 300 foot tall mummy octopus.  

Who should watch this? People who normally keep their mirrors shrouded. People who think that a giant stone table would be interchangeable with a throne (so no one who works at IKEA). People who never liked the fantastic four that much anyway. Med students wondering why they should complete their psych rotation. This is an intentionally scarier approach to a Marvel movie so don't take the younger kids. 

Would I watch it again? It was fun to see. I may watch it again but probably not too many times. 


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