What I liked: In the words of Glad-OS "This was a triumph, I'm making a note here, huge success... for the people who are still alive." This is essentially the justification the bad guys have for their actions. It turns out it doesn't make much of a difference if it is a homicidal robot or some homicidal people singing the song to you, it still doesn't seem like a good excuse. But it does get stuck in your head, it's a very catchy tune. I like that if you invent a fantasy world you get to make up completely non-internally consistent rules for your world. What is affected by accelerated time? Living things-yes unless you're bacteria in which case no unless you are tetanus then yes again. Dead things-yes. Unless it's food or paper or clothes. Never alive things- no but also maybe yes. A single bolus dose of Magnetic waves, which are notoriously afraid of calcium carbonate. What I didn't: So, on a completely different topic, that has nothing to do wi...
This "is the worst idea in the long, sad history of terrible ideas" -Jurassic Park II