What I liked: This was actually a pretty good adaptation. I went in with the open question: when you read this in English and then watch the movie will it be valuable? I believe the answer is yes. I think the did a good job introducing the memories and there is enough interesting cinematography that is easy enough to pick up on most 8th graders could write their 5 page essay fairly easily. I was impressed with the acting by the kid’s dad. If you paid attention I think it brought up some interesting add on questions that are probably good to think about and would make pretty good high school level essays: were the people living in the dystopia actually that at ease with their world? what implications are there for the individuals living in the community upon the return of the memories? The movie took a decidedly positive approach which is appropriate for the grade level, though watching it you can clearly see the darker alternative that the producers chose not to present.
What I didn’t: The addition of the previous receiver of memories seemed fairly forced and a bit out of place. Maybe the writers thought it was necessary to give characters stronger motivations; I think the movie would have been more streamlined without it. I thought the drones were weird and again unnecessary. Given the prescribed plot and characters, I thought it was overall quite good.
Who should watch this: Let’s be honest. Every 8th grader in public school for the next 60 years until they make another version.
Would I watch it again? When I have a child in 8th grade.
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