What I liked: The walking plant. He was pretty much amazing. Back when everyone was talking about how it was so cool that Pixar could make a robot so expressive, they had no idea. This is a tree that is only capable of saying 3 words in a set order, it’s face is a chunk of wood. Yet it was my favorite character and not because everyone else was lame. The dialogue. The set up is familiar: one or more characters who, like Spock or Data, take everything literally; yet this time it worked, and worked well. Also the raccoon character is very sarcastic and occasionally voiced my thoughts precisely. I laughed a lot. His helmet. I want one. It saves you in space, is lets you break down walls, it seems like just the thing for my bullet proof splunking expeditions.
What I didn’t: There’s quite a bit of swearing and some innuendo. This is not unexpected since the main character is a mesh of Indiana Jones (grave robbing and artifact stealing), Han Solo (smuggler, scruffy looking, scoundrel), and Cpt Kirk (womanizer and arrogant) but it does make for a rougher and less family appropriate film. The creativity they showed with the dialogue and situational comedy could have been applied to the characters. Take away the delightful banter and we have the same old line up: evil villain bent on destroying all of everything in evil ways with no regret for no apparent reason, random henchmen who follow the bad guy for no apparent reason, beautiful assassin with a dark history, anti-hero, demolitions guy, guy for the fist fights, useless government officials. I mean it all goes according to plan with all the characters you would guess, couldn’t we add someone interesting? The ship. It looks like something from transformers and I doubt both that it could make it through any atmosphere and that the whole crew could take up residence in it as comfortably as they do. Really there should be an engine in there somewhere.
Who should watch it: College age audience seems about right. And I think Patrick would enjoy it.
Would I watch it again: Yes.
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