What I didn’t: The plot itself is lame-o. It is a girl who is sad to be moving to a new place or more abstractly, it is an absurd journey that makes no sense with unbelieveable consequences artificially applying urgency. But the plot isn’t really why we watch Pixar films, right? But come on there are 85,000 better ways to design a brain. Even the civil engineers of Atlanta could do better. There are no circumstances under which having all the important buttons in one completely inaccessible place ever makes sense. Not to mention having it on a spindly tower makes it prone to all kinds of seismic disturbances. Also sheer cliffs leading down into nothingness of smokey decay is 1) unsafe 2) probably not environmentally friendly, couldn’t they come up with some recycling scheme or something? 3) unsafe 4) bad planning 5) weird. Why is it even possible to accidently access “core memories”? Why are the pneumatic tubes the right size for the tiny people who live in our brains? Honestly, there need to be some serious safety overhauls of this set up.
Who should watch this: People who love Pixar. Those pursuing the “animation can be profound too” movement.
Would I watch it again? yeah. and it’s pretty quotable
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