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Super 8 Review

What I liked: The movie the kids were working on was entertaining and I was impressed with their stage makeup fake blood and all. Many of the characters seem familiar. Maybe they are just classic tropes, but I like to think that some BYU student watched this movie and thought, hm I could work with this and spun it out into Granite Flats. The plots aren’t that similar but there are elements that made me think that it could be a piece of the puzzle.
What I didn’t: If we were riding along and my friend got stolen from the car by a lion, I would never assume that I could go rescue them two days later. Why would anyone assume this of a friend stolen by a monster the size of a house. This is clearly a poorly conceived plan. In the words of Muppet Treasure Island “He’s dead Jim” I am also unsatisfied with their method of selecting who they would like to rescue. Also I am unconvinced that anyone, including special aliens, could turn your standard water tower into a super selective electromagnet running purely off stolen AC units. Also I am convinced that the US military employs the most unobservant soldiers in the world, I have no other explanation for how they could possibly fail to notice all of the things they didn’t notice. I would never want to be friends with those kids. We never find out what happens to most of them. The geiger counter. If the stuff you are looking for is radioactive enough to be found with a geiger counter days after it has rolled through town 1) whether you find that alien or not no one in the town has a good prognosis 2) I am concerned that it would have reached critical mass in the train wreck where you lost all that stuff. For someone so gungho to go save a friend from a giant monster the main character is remarkably indifferent to the outcome for his other friends. In a more who designed this plot direction, if someone is investigating an evil government conspiracy for the first half of the movie, is it that absurd to assume that something will be done with that portion of the plot in the second half? I’m not even hoping it would get resolved or anything just that we might remember that was going on. Too much work? ok fine.
Who should watch this: We watched it to get a taste of JJ Abrams the director in preparation for the new Star Wars he is directing. You might want to just go strait for Star Wars, or Star Trek as it happens.
Would I watch it again? Once was enough. There was lots of shouting.


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