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Showing posts from July, 2018

Rear Window Review

What I liked: This is the moment we have all been waiting for. After mistakenly watching the Christopher Reeves version and a  2000's remake , I have finally watched Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window. In some ways it really delivered. Others I felt like I had seen before. I really liked the girl friend's outfits. Granted she is a model, but I thought they looked like things I would like to wear when the vintage mood strikes. The crotchety nurse was funny and delivered some pretty sarcastic lines for the 1950's.The film is based on a book "It had to be murder" but the catchier title comes up when the nurse declares that she is not an expert in rear window ethics (I figured this out myself, take that internet).  I appreciated the creative use of flash photography and, true to form, Hitchcock really shone in the exceptional development of side characters we see only briefly. I liked the makeshift dog elevator and the flowerbed misdirection. I must also credit Hitc...

Ant-man and the Wasp Review

What I liked: The cardboard fort. That was epic. I want one. I am going to spend the next 5 years amassing cardboard so I can build a scale model. And I have to say this is a much better solution to house arrest than what the kid in Disturbia came up with. I also really liked the truth serum, the juke box, the luggage handle, and the tardigrades. Fun fact: tardigrades can survive the vacuum of space, intense radiation, and being freeze dried. Maybe we should have a tardigrade man in a future ant-man installment, he would be even tinier and pretty much indestructible. The arrow bugs were also fun, they made me think of a video game, which is fun, but it doesn't seem like objectively the best plan. I'm willing to bet they wreak havoc with your windshield. What was better than the arrow bugs was the car chase scenes. Chase scenes in most movies vary speed and direction of the cars with the added variable of size the chase scenes got a lot more exciting. Now if they would just in...

Won't You be My Neighbor?

What I liked: This is the story of Mr. Rogers and Mr. Rogers is pretty incredible. I watched Mr. Rogers neighborhood growing up. It might have been the earliest TV show I watched. It was different watching clips from the show as an adult. As a child you kind of think that everything just happens, it was interesting to see the intentional decisions and work that went into making Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. It was pretty awesome that Mr. Rogers was just as wonderful a person off the camera as he was on. The documentary did a good job of pointing out the lasting impact that Mr. Rogers and his show had on people, public perceptions, and PBS. I also thought that the conclusion of having everyone think about how they can make the world a better place and help their neighbors was a wonderful way to end the film. We all have ways that each of us can do better at helping our neighbors. What I didn't: Not really film specific but it was sad to see that there were people who were unkind to M...