What I liked: First and foremost I liked the cash register frog. The hair salon ladies were funny and the dance numbers were great. They managed to avoid the common problem with large ensemble numbers where they're filmed so they look pretty similar: bunches of people dancing in formation in a large open space (a field, a street, an oddly large restaurant). There were cool locations and interesting filming that kept the dancing all exciting. I liked the fireworks and the sparkler shoes and everyone thinking about what they would do if they won the lottery. All of the food looked delicious, we had to go get horchata and other delicious snacks afterwards. I liked the Hamilton cameo. What I didn't: I'm not sure about the old Usnavi narrator telling us the story, I found it more distracting than helpful. The one guy in the swimming pool dance number. He was terrifying. He must have answered the wrong casting call, he was really trying for a role in the exorcist or a haunted ci...
This "is the worst idea in the long, sad history of terrible ideas" -Jurassic Park II