What I didn't: These people have not seen land before time clearly a treestar is a maple leaf. I liked the distrust of Blackwidow and Yelena meeting for the first time, we got to see how well matched they were in fighting. That inherent caution was lacking when they met up with the parents, who it should be noted, they had much more grounded reasons to distrust. They clearly had familial tension, but also jumped pretty quickly into very deep trust. I am concerned about all of the aircraft that they used. Item one where in Ohio did they buy a mostly bullet proof crop dusting plane? How were they able to fly all the way from Ohio to Cuba with one tank of fuel? Why could they not get Siberia to Moscow on one tank of fuel? How bad is our current RADAR technology? Is google maps part of the evil conspiracy or is some one constantly hacking google maps updates to remove all traces of the bad guys? Google maps being part of the conspiracy would simplify how they got to the final fight because there had to have been like autopilot or google maps running in that airplane. Also, I am certain that there are less drastic ways of blocking nerve transmission than severing the nerve. I mean have these people never heard of local anesthetic? Would it be less dramatic to pop a quick dose of lidocaine than sever a nerve? Yes. Would it be a far better plan, especially coming from some one who spent a lifetime studying brains and neurons? Also yes. And did no one consider the concussion potential of the nerve severing plan? The last thing you need in a fight is the confusion accompanying a serious concussion. The widows were pretty awesome, see above, so why did the bad guy also need normal soldiers? There was a lot of buildup to the identity of the Taskmaster. They acted like it should be a surprise. It was not a surprise. I feel like the failed at their one attempt at mystery. Finally, can we all agree that that was the worst funeral. If they were trying to make amends, that was not the way to do it.
Who should watch this? People who like spy movies, people who think skydiving should be made more exciting. Also note that a major plot point is children raised to be assassins, so that could be thematically challenging.
Would I watch it again? It was fun and I was glad to see it maybe I'll watch it again.
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