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Thor Love and Thunder

What I liked: The goats. The chaotic energy of 12ft tall screaming flying goats exactly encapsulates the energy of this movie. They tie in well with Norse mythology, they tie in with the comics, they make sense to include. But. They make no sense and are completely absurd. There was a lot of anticipation about Lady Thor and I liked her with a few caveats but what no one was expecting as was much more enjoyable was Bunny Thor. Lady Thor's hammer was very cool and did a good job of distinguishing her from Thor. The court of the gods was fun to see, of course the Greek gods were front and center but I enjoyed gods from other mythologies that I recognized. I liked the battle in the Shadow Realm, very cool visuals. And the battle in the court of the gods and the opening battle. Ok, I liked all the battles including the very brief Thor fashion battle. The shadow monsters were ok but could have been much creepier. 

What I didn't: The god butcher had very reasonable motivations and seemed pretty effective in most of his follow through. But I really think that he should have considered some different wording of his wish. Thor already had his giant curtain call. I like Thor but I would have liked to have had much more Lady Thor and Valkyrie in this movie. It should have been their story with him as a supporting character. Like I would have liked it if Lady Thor had acquired the hammer on her own rather than as a result of Thor's request. And along those lines the personification of the weapons bothered me. We spent so long with Thor talking to his hammer or his ax as a running joke. Them now coming semi alive with personalities is inconsistent and less funny, honestly. There were a lot of narration montages (3) which was at least 2 more than I would have liked. I would have liked to see Tiny Thor's Thor outfit. And what's up with Hercules? He's a demigod so really isn't much competition to just about all the full gods at the court of the gods. 

Who should watch this? People who missed the screaming goat craze about 10 years ago. People who like mythology. People who love Thor, you get so much more Thor in this movie. 

Would I watch it again? Yes


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